Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (2024)

Table of Contents
Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi 1. Avahana and Pratishthapan (आवाहन एवं प्रतिष्ठापन) Avahana (आवाहन) Pratishthapan (प्रतिष्ठापन) 2. Asana Samarpan (आसन समर्पण) 3. Padya Samarpan (पाद्य समर्पण) 4. Arghya Samarpan (अर्घ्य समर्पण) 5. Achamana (आचमन) 6. Snana Mantra (स्नान मन्त्र) Snana (स्नान) Panchamrita Snanam (पञ्चामृत स्नानम्) Payah/Dugdha Snanam (पयः/दूध स्नानम्) Dadhi Snanam (दधि स्नानम्) Ghrita Snanam (घृत स्नानम्) Madhu Snanam (मधु स्नानम्) Sharkara Snanam (शर्करा स्नानम्) Suvasita Snanam (सुवासित स्नानम्) Shuddhodaka Snanam (शुद्धोदक स्नानम्) 7. Vastra Samarpan and Uttariya Samarpan (वस्त्र समर्पण वं उत्तरीय समर्पण) Vastra Samarpan (वस्त्र समर्पण) Uttariya Samarpan (उत्तरीय समर्पण) 8. Yajnopavita Samarpan (यज्ञोपवीत समर्पण) 9. Gandha (गन्ध) 10. Akshata (अक्षत) 11. Pushpa Mala, Shami Patra, Durvankura, Sindoor (पुष्प माला, शमी पत्र, दुर्वाङ्कुर, सिन्दूर) Pushpa Mala (पुष्प माला) Shami Patra (शमी पत्र) Durvankur (दुर्वाङ्कुर) Sindoor (सिन्दूर) 12. Dhoop (धूप) 13. Deep Samarpan (दीप समर्पण) 14. Naivedya and Karodvartan (नैवेद्य एवं करोद्वर्तन) Naivedya Nivedan (नैवेद्य निवेदन) Chandan Karodvartan (चन्दन करोद्वर्तन) 15. Tambula, Narikela and Dakshina Samarpan (ताम्बूल, नारिकेल एवं दक्षिणा समर्पण) Tambula Samarpan (ताम्बूल समर्पण) Narikela Samarpan (नारिकेल समर्पण) Dakshina Samarpan (दक्षिणा समर्पण) 16. Neerajan and Visarjan (नीराजन एवं विसर्जन) Neerajan/Aarti (नीराजन/आरती) Pushpanjali Arpan (पुष्पाञ्जलि अर्पण) Pradakshina (प्रदक्षिणा) Visarjan (विसर्जन) FAQs

Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi

Lord Ganesha is worshipped with all sixteen rituals along with chanting of Puranik Mantras during Ganesha Chaturthi Puja which is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi Puja. Worshipping Gods and Goddesses with all 16 rituals is known as Shodashopachara Puja (षोडशोपचार पूजा).

Although Ganesha Puja can be done during Pratahkala, Madhyahnakala and Sayankala but Madhyahnakala is preferred during Ganesha Chaturthi Puja. Madhyahnakala Puja time for Ganesha Puja can be known at Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Muhurat.

All rituals which are prescribed during Ganesha Puja are given below and it also includes sixteen steps which are prescribed in Shodashopachara Puja. Deep-Prajawalan (दीप-प्रज्वलन) and Sankalpa (संकल्प) are done before starting the Puja and these two are not part of core sixteen steps of Shodashopachara Puja.

If you have Lord Ganesha installed at your home and is worshipped daily then Avahana (आवाहन) and Pratishthapan (प्रतिष्ठापन) should be skipped as these two rituals are done for newly bought statues of Lord Ganesha either made of clay or made of metal. It should be noted that pre-installed statue of Lord Ganesha at home are not given Visarjan (विसर्जन) but given Utthapana (उत्थापन) at the end of Puja.

On Ganesha Chaturthi, devotees also perform Eka Vinshati Name Ganesh Puja and Lord Ganesha Anga Puja along with the below Shodashopachara Puja.

1. Avahana and Pratishthapan (आवाहन एवं प्रतिष्ठापन)

  • Avahana (आवाहन)

    Puja should begin with invocation of Lord Ganesha, one should chant following Mantra in front of the Murti, by showing Avahan Mudra (Avahan Mudra is formed by joining both palms and folding both thumbs inwards).

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (1)

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (2)

    He Heramba Tvamehyehi Hyambikatryambakatmaja।
    Siddhi-Buddhi Pate Tryaksha Lakshalabha Pituh Pitah॥
    Nagasyam Nagaharam Tvam Ganarajam Chaturbhujam।
    Bhush*tam Svayudhaudavyaih Pashankushaparashvadhaih॥
    Avahayami Pujartham Rakshartham Cha Mam Kritoh।
    Ihagatya Grihana Tvam Pujam Yagam Cha Raksha Me॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।

  • Pratishthapan (प्रतिष्ठापन)

    After Lord Ganesha has been invoked, installing Lord Ganesha into the statue while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (3)

    Asyai Pranah Pratishthantu Asyai Pranaksharantu Cha।
    Asyai Devatvamarchayai Mamaheti Cha Kashchana॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Supratishtho Varado Bhava॥

2. Asana Samarpan (आसन समर्पण)

After Lord Ganesha has been invoked and got installed, take five flowers in Anjali (by joining palm of both hands) and leave them in front of the Murti to offer seat to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (4)

Vichitraratnakhachitam Divyastaranasamyutam।
Swarna Simhasanam Charu Grihana Guhagraja॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Asanam Samarpayami॥

3. Padya Samarpan (पाद्य समर्पण)

After offering Asana to Lord Ganesha, offer Him water to wash the feet while chanting following Mantra.

Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (5)

Om Sarvatirthasamudbhutam Padyam Gandhadibhiryutam।
Gajanana Grihanedam Bhagawana Bhaktavatsalah॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Padayoh Padyam Samarpayami॥

4. Arghya Samarpan (अर्घ्य समर्पण)

After offering Padya to Lord Ganesha, offer scented water to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (6)

Om Ganadhyaksha Namasteastu Grihana Karuna Kara।
Arghyam Cha Phala Samyuktam Gandhamalyakshatairyutam॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Hastorarghyam Samarpayami॥

5. Achamana (आचमन)

After Arghya offering, offer water to Lord Ganesha for Achamana while chanting following Mantra.

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Vighnaraja Namastubhyam Tridashairabhivandita।
Gangodakena Devesha Kurushwachamanam Prabho॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Mukhe Achamaniyam Samarpayami॥

6. Snana Mantra (स्नान मन्त्र)

  • Snana (स्नान)

    After Achamana, offer water to Shri Ganesha for the bath while chanting following Mantra.

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    Narmada Chandrabhagadi Gangasangasajairjalaih।
    Snani Tosi Maya Deva Vighnasagham Nivaraya॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Sarvanga Snanam Samarpayami॥

  • Panchamrita Snanam (पञ्चामृत स्नानम्)

    After Snanam, now give a bath with Panchamrita (the mixture of milk, curd, honey, Ghee and sugar) to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

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    Panchamritam Mayaaanitam Payodadhi, Ghritam Madhu।
    Sharkara Cha Samayuktam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Payah/Dugdha Snanam (पयः/दूध स्नानम्)

    After Panchamrita Snanam, now give a bath with Paya (milk) to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (10)

    Kamadhenusamudbhutam Sarvesham Jivanam Param।
    Tejah Pushtikaram Divyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Dadhi Snanam (दधि स्नानम्)

    After Dugdha Snanam, now give a bath with curd to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (11)

    Payasastu Samudbhutam Madhuramlam Shashiprabham।
    Dadhyanitam Mayadeva Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Ghrita Snanam (घृत स्नानम्)

    After Dadhi Snanam, now give a bath with Ghee to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (12)

    Navanita Samutpannam Sarvasantoshakarakam।
    Ghritam Tubhyam Pradasyami Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Madhu Snanam (मधु स्नानम्)

    After Ghrita Snanam, now give a bath with honey to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (13)

    Pushparenusamudbhutam Suswadu Madhuram Madhu।
    Tejah Pushtikaramdivyam Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Sharkara Snanam (शर्करा स्नानम्)

    After Madhu Snanam, now give a bath with sugar to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (14)

    Ikshusarasamudbhutam Sharkara Pushti Da Shubha।
    Malapaharika Divya Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Suvasita Snanam (सुवासित स्नानम्)

    After Sharkara Snanam, now give a bath with scented oil to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (15)

    Champakashekabakula Malati Mogaradibhih।
    Vasitam Snigdhatahetu Tailam Charu Pratigrihyatam॥

  • Shuddhodaka Snanam (शुद्धोदक स्नानम्)

    After Suvasita Snanam, now give a bath with pure water (Gangajal) to Shri Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (16)

    Ganga Cha Yamuna Chaiva Godavari Saraswati।
    Narmada Sindhuh Kaveri Snanartham Pratigrihyatam॥

7. Vastra Samarpan and Uttariya Samarpan (वस्त्र समर्पण वं उत्तरीय समर्पण)

  • Vastra Samarpan (वस्त्र समर्पण)

    Now offer Moli (मोली) as new clothes to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (17)

    sh*tavatoshna Santranam Lajjaya Rakshanam Parama।
    Dehalankaranam Vastramatah Shanti Prayachchha Me॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Vastram Samarpayami॥

  • Uttariya Samarpan (उत्तरीय समर्पण)

    After Vastra Samarpan, now offer clothes for upper body parts to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (18)

    Uttariyam Tatha Deva Nana Chitritamuttamam।
    Grihanendram Maya Bhaktaya Dattam Tat Saphali Kuru॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Uttariya Samarpayami॥

8. Yajnopavita Samarpan (यज्ञोपवीत समर्पण)

After Vastra offering, offer Yajnopavita to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

Navabhistantubhiryuktam Trigunam Devatamayam।
Upavitam Mayadattam Grihana Parameshwara॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Yajnopavitam Samarpayami॥

9. Gandha (गन्ध)

After Yajnopavita offering, offer scent to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

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Shri Khanda Chandana Divyam Gandhadhyam Sumanoharam।
Vilepanam Surashreshtha Chandanam Pratigrihyatam॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Gandham Samarpayami॥

10. Akshata (अक्षत)

After Gandha offering, offer Akshata (unbroken rice) to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

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Akshatashcha Sura Shreshtha Kumkumalah Sushobhitah।
Maya Nivedita Bhaktaya Grihana Parameshwara॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Akshatan Samarpayami॥

11. Pushpa Mala, Shami Patra, Durvankura, Sindoor (पुष्प माला, शमी पत्र, दुर्वाङ्कुर, सिन्दूर)

  • Pushpa Mala (पुष्प माला)

    Now offer garland made of flowers to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (22)

    Malyadini Sugandhini Malyadinivai Prabhuh।
    Maya Hritani Pushpani Grihyantam Pujanaya Bhoh॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Pushpamalam Samarpayami॥

  • Shami Patra (शमी पत्र)

    Now offer Shami Patra to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (23)

    Tvatpriyani Supushpani Komalani Shubhani Vai।
    Shamidalani Heramba Grihana Gananayaka॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Shami Patrani Samarpayami॥

  • Durvankur (दुर्वाङ्कुर)

    Now offer Durva with three or five leaflets to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (24)

    Durvankuran Suharitanamritan Mangala Pradan।
    Anitanstava Pujartha Grihana Gananayaka॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Durvankuran Samarpayami॥

  • Sindoor (सिन्दूर)

    Now offer vermilion to Lord Ganesha for Tilak while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (25)

    Sindoor Shobhanam Raktam Saubhagyam Sukhavardhanam।
    Shubhadam Kamadam Chaiva Sindooram Pratigrihyatam॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Sindoor Samarpayami॥

12. Dhoop (धूप)

Now offer Dhoop to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

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Vanaspatirasodbhuto Gandhadhyo Gandhah Uttamah।
Aghreya Sarva Devanam Dhupoayam Pratigrihyatam॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।

13. Deep Samarpan (दीप समर्पण)

Now offer Deep to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

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Sajyam Chavartisamyuktam Vahnina Yojitam Maya।
Deepam Grihana Devesha Trailokyatimira Paham॥
Bhaktya Deepam Prayachchhami Devaya Paramatmane।
Trahimam Nirayad Ghoraddipajyotirnamoastute॥

Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
Deepam Darshayami॥

14. Naivedya and Karodvartan (नैवेद्य एवं करोद्वर्तन)

  • Naivedya Nivedan (नैवेद्य निवेदन)

    Now offer Naivedya to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (28)

    Naivedyam Grihyatam Deva Bhakti Me Hyachalam Kuru।
    Ipsitam Me Varam Dehi Paratra Cha Param Gatim॥
    Sharkara Khanda Khadyani Dadhi Kshira Ghritani Cha।
    Aharam Bhakshya Bhojyam Cha Naivedyam Pratigrihyatam॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Naivedyam Modakamayarituphalani Cha Samarpayami॥

  • Chandan Karodvartan (चन्दन करोद्वर्तन)

    After Naivedya offering, offer Chandan mixed with water to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (29)

    Chandanam Malayodbhutam Kasturyadi Samanvitam।
    Karodvartanakam Deva Grihana Parameshwara॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Chandanena Karodvartanam Samarpayami॥

15. Tambula, Narikela and Dakshina Samarpan (ताम्बूल, नारिकेल एवं दक्षिणा समर्पण)

  • Tambula Samarpan (ताम्बूल समर्पण)

    Now offer Tambula (Paan with betel nuts) to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (30)

    Om Pugiphalam Mahadivyam Nagavallidalairyutam।
    Ela Churnadisamyuktam Tambulam Pratigrihyatam॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Mukha Vasarthamela Pugi Phaladi Sahitam Tambula Samarpayami॥

  • Narikela Samarpan (नारिकेल समर्पण)

    Now offer Narikela (coconut) to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (31)

    Idam Phalam Mayadeva Sthapitam Puratastava।
    Tena Me Saphalavaptirbhavejjanmani Janmani॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Narikela Phalam Samarpayami॥

  • Dakshina Samarpan (दक्षिणा समर्पण)

    Now offer Dakshina (gift) to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (32)

    Hiranyagarbhagarbhastham Hema Bijam Vibhavasoh।
    Ananta Punya Phaladamatah Shantim Prayachchha Me॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Dravyam Dakshinam Samarpayami॥

16. Neerajan and Visarjan (नीराजन एवं विसर्जन)

  • Neerajan/Aarti (नीराजन/आरती)

    After Tambula Arpan and Dakshina Samarpan, perform Lord Ganesha Aarti after chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (33)

    Kadali Garbha Sambhutam Karpuram Tu Pradipitam।
    Arartikamaham Kurve Pashya Me Varado Bhava॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Karpura Neerajanam Samarpayami॥

  • Pushpanjali Arpan (पुष्पाञ्जलि अर्पण)

    Now offer Pushpanjali to Lord Ganesha while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (34)

    Nanasugandhi Pushpani Yatha Kalodbhavani Cha।
    Pushpanjalirmaya Datto Grihana Parameshwara॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Mantra Pushpanjali Samarpayami॥

  • Pradakshina (प्रदक्षिणा)

    Now offer symbolic Pradakshina (circumambulate from left to right of Shri Ganesha) with flowers while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (35)

    Yani Kani Cha Papani Jnatajnata Kritani Cha।
    Tani Sarvani Nashyanti Pradakshina Pade Pade॥

    Om Siddhi-Buddhi Sahitaya Shri Mahaganadhipataye Namah।
    Pradakshinam Samarpayami॥

  • Visarjan (विसर्जन)

    Now conclude Shri Ganesha Puja with Visarjan while chanting following Mantra.

    Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (36)

    Avahanam Na Janami Na Janami Tavarchanam।
    Pujam Chaiva Na Janami Kshamasva Ganeshwara॥
    Anyatha Sharanam Nasti Tvameva Sharanam Mam।
    Tasmatkarunya Bhavena Rakshasva Vighneshwara॥
    Gatam Papam Gatam Dukham Gatam Daridraya Meva Cha।
    Agata Sukha Sampattih Punyachcha Tava Darshanat॥
    Mantrahinam Kriyahinam Bhaktihinam Sureshwara।
    Yatpujitam Maya Deva Paripurnam Tadastu Me॥
    Yadaksharapada Bhrashtam Matrahinam Cha Yadbhavet।
    Tatsarva Kshamyatam Deva Prasida Parameshwara॥

Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi (2024)


Ganesha Chaturthi Puja Vidhi | Pooja Vidhi on Vinayaka Chaturthi? ›

Ganesha Chaturthi

Chaturthi (Sanskrit: चतुर्थी, romanized: Caturthī) refers to the fourth day of a lunar fortnight in the Hindu calendar. › wiki › Chaturthi
Puja Vidhi. Lord Ganesha is worshipped with all sixteen rituals along with chanting of Puranik Mantras during Ganesha Chaturthi Puja which is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi Puja. Worshipping Gods and Goddesses with all 16 rituals is known as Shodashopachara Puja (षोडशोपचार पूजा).

How to do ganpati puja on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

How to do Ganesha pooja at home: Preparations
  1. Begin by cleaning your home entirely. This is considered a welcome sign for the lord. ...
  2. I would advise you to bring home a clay idol of lord Ganesha. ...
  3. Offer flowers, durva, modaks and karanji to the idol after placing him on top of a new saffron or an orange cloth.

How to worship Ganesha on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Offer vermilion: Offering Vermilion or Sindoor brings good fortune. Light incense sticks: Offering incense brings fame. Offer sweets (Laddoo): Offering sweets will help you fulfil your desires. Mantra Pushpanjali: Offer flowers to Lord Ganesha and ask His forgiveness for the mistakes you have made.

How to bring Ganesha home on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Devotees may bring a Ganesha idol home for one, three, seven, or ten days and then place it on a clean and decorated platform. Ganesha must be treated with honour. Everything should be proposed to God Ganesha first, whether it is food, water, or prasad.

How to prepare your home for Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Preparation and Setup for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

Decorate it with bright fabrics, mango leaves, and some lights. Put fruits, flowers (especially hibiscus), and yummy treats like modaks in front of the idol. This makes a lovely space to honour the beloved elephant god.

What are the rules for Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Fasting Rules for Ganesh Chaturthi

For those observing a fast on Ganesh Chaturthi, it's advisable to begin the day with a cleansing bath. The fast extends from daybreak until moonrise. During this time, it is recommended to consume one satvik meal each day.

What is the timing of Ganesh pooja on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Date and Timings
DateDate and Time
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Puja tithi start:September 6 (Friday) at 3:01 PM
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Puja tithi end:September 7 at 5:37 PM
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: Puja muhuratSeptember 7 at 11:03 AM to 01:34 PM
Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: End date/visarjan:September 17 (Tuesday)
1 more row
Jul 12, 2024

What are the 4 main rituals of Ganesha Chaturthi? ›

Every year, his birth is celebrated with a 10-day festival, during which four main rituals, namely Prana Pratishta, Shodashopachara, Uttarpuja, and Ganpati Visarjan are performed.

How to impress Ganesha on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Before you start your (puja) worship, you should light the diya. Offer ladoos, modaks, or other treats to Ganesha. Ladoos and modaks are sweet treats and are Ganesha's favorite sweets. Offering these treats to Ganesha will help bring his benevolence upon you.

Which mantra to chant during Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Some popular Ganesh mantras include "Om Gan Ganpataye Namaha" and "Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha." Chanting these mantras can bring success, good luck, and fulfillment. They also regulate blood circulation, improve concentration, and enhance knowledge and wisdom.

What prasad is offered to Lord Ganesha? ›

Motichoor Laddu- It is considered Lord Ganesha's favorite food item which is a mouth-melting laddus prepared from crispy balls made with gram flour and dipped in sugar syrup and tastes amazing.

Can we eat eggs on Ganesh Chaturthi? ›

Perform proper visarjan on Visarjan day. 13. Do not eat onion, garlic, eggs and meat during puja days.

Can we leave Ganpati alone at night? ›

Lord Ganesha idol should not be left unattended and someone or the other should accompany the lord. Never immerse Lord Ganesha idol in water without aarti and puja.

How to do ganesh puja step by step? ›

Place the image/idol of Ganesh at the puja altar. Light a lamp with gingelly oil or coconut oil. Light incense sticks and gather in front of the altar with the family members. One can give a holy bath to the idol (if the material of the idol is suitable to permit the water).

How many Ladoo to offer Ganesha? ›

Lord Ganesha burped loudly and also Lord Shiva burped 21 times. Goddess Parvati asked Anusuya about the sweet she has served and then expressed a wish that devotees of Ganpati will always offer 21 modaks to him. From then it is considered to be Ganapati's favourite sweet.

What is the best time to do Ganesh puja at home? ›

I've read that early morning before 6am is best, and also about Pradosh Kaal being the best time to worship Ganapati, between sunset and dusk.

What is required for Ganesh Puja? ›

Utensils Needed For the Puja

2 steel/copper bowls (for ghee and oil). Brass lamp (samai) needed for Aarti. 2 copper pots for rice and holy water (kalash). Copper plates and spoons for eating and drinking (Panchpatra & Pali).

How to do Ganpati pran pratishtha at home? ›

Place a sacred thread (Janeu) on the left shoulder of the idol. Apply a tilak of sandalwood paste on the murti and adorn it with crimson flowers, durva grass, and flower garlands. Perform aarti after reciting the mantras for Prana Pratishtha, light a ghee lamp or diya, and offer Lord Ganesha Modak.

How to perform Ganesh abhishek at home? ›

Ganesha's Abhishek (Bathing Ceremony): Perform the symbolic bathing ceremony of Lord Ganesha using water and rice grains. Offer Flowers: Adorn the Ganesha idol with fresh flowers and offer them as a mark of respect. Aarti with Diya: Light the diya and perform aarti (circular motion with the diya) in front of the idol.

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