winter heat - triggerfics - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

The winter air was crisp in Sakumo’s lungs, drawn in and out in measured huffs as Konoha’s gate came into view. Something like relief coursed through him at the sight, and though usually he would allow his pace to slow as his mission finally drew to a close, today it only spurned his jog onwards.

The gate guard called out a greeting as he passed, and Sakumo only called a brief acknowledgment back as he slowed just enough to not charge over people as he continued his pace toward the academy.

“In a rush, huh?” A jonin called as he passed, and Sakumo grit his teeth, offering a curt nod as he continued, debating taking to the rooftops if only to avoid the unnecessary pleasantries.

He was usually a more polite man, would usually stop to converse with those who stopped him on the street and attempted to wave his attention over. If it were another time, he would do so still.

Today, Sakumo had no time for such allowances; no time to stop and chit-chat, no time to greet those who had not seen him since he had set out for his recon mission a month ago. His priority was the Hokage, as Minato had expressed before Sakumo had left that he would need his report immediately and in person upon his arrival. It was not urgent, nothing Sakumo observed was a cause for concern, the mission itself could afford to be delayed another fifteen minutes, but Sakumo could not.

The truth of the matter was that wolves bred in the winter, and Sakumo was on the verge of losing his mind.

It was a feeling under his skin, at the core of him, the howling thing that made up all Hatakes. It called him home, stirred lightning in his veins, and sent a fire curling in his groin; ears and nose strained to catch the scent or call of a receptive bitch.

That burn under his skin had been the source of his frustration the past week, as the real truth of the matter was this: Sakumo had been operating half hard for his waking hours the past week, and he was at his limit.

The snow was slush under his feet, evidence of Konoha’s warmer winters and too many people walking over a single point, but he did not stop to dry his shoes, trailing wet prints through the hall of the academy as he took the stairs two steps at a time.

The end was in sight, and the urge to howl that had haunted him since he had entered his territory's range bubbled up in his throat again, only swallowed by his own will.

The office was in sight, the door was open, and he approached only to—

"Yo, Sakumo!"

Sakumo snarled.

It wasn't intentional, truly, he hadn't meant it, but the jonin recoiled all the same. Someone on their way out from reporting most likely. There should have been some shame in the response, certainly, he would owe an apology later, but the growl rumbled in his throat as he stared the shinobi down.

He was an obstacle more than he was a comrade now, and it was only Minato's cleared throat that cut the tension.

"Ah, Hatake-san? It's good to see you've returned, are you here to deliver your report then?"

Pleasant, but alarmed. The door guards were uneasy as well, no matter. Sakumo licked his lips, slowly easing his snarl back to a blank expression. The growl still continued deep in his throat, but he offered a nod of greeting before sidestepping the frozen man, walking to the Hokage's desk with not even the minimum required respect.

His report was clipped, detailed, and to the point, and through force of will he managed to refrain from shifting uncomfortably as he spoke of his observations the past month. Nothing significant to note, written report would be in his hands by the end of the next two weeks.

Minato had faltered only once, brows furrowed at the two weeks instead of Sakumo's usual few days, but his eyes dragging down towards the sizable impression in Sakumo's uniform pants were enough to silence him.

"Of course," Minato smiled, very pointed in his attempt to look only at Sakumo's eyes. "Your mission was long, please take all the time you need to recover, give my best to K—"

Minato caught himself as Sakumo's lips drew back in another snarl, already poised to snap.

He could feel the Anbu guard in the room tense, but Minato kept his smile.

"Your pack," he finished, mindful as he acknowledged Sakumo's ownership. "Give my best to your pack. Please, may all members enjoy their rest."

Sakumo nodded, curt, and turned on his heel, leaving as quickly as he entered to finally head home.

His instinct sang in agreement with his destination, and whether word of his foul mood had spread or if he was so lucky as not to be bothered didn't matter, for there was not a single distraction as he hurried to the Hatake home, letting out a near moan of relief as the house came into sight.

Kakashi’s scent lingered in the entryway of their home, and Sakumo stopped to inhale as he discarded his shoes in the genkan, heading further into the house with his mouth open, inhaling air and scent as bitch overwhelmed him.

Kakashi’s estrus was undeniable, potent in his home, lingering in every doorframe he had brushed against, in every hall he had paced through. The fire still inside of Sakumo roared, and his filling co*ck throbbed as he held back a growl. He found it odd, however, that Kakashi’s scent wasn’t recent. He had been here today certainly, and his scent was by far stalest in the entryway, but it was not particularly fresh anywhere else.

Frowning, Sakumo circled their living room, pausing just for a moment as Kakashi’s trail led him through the kitchen and out the back door into their garden. He followed eagerly, stepping back out into the chill with his bare feet only to immediately be greeted with a gift.

Kakashi was bare, nestled, and curled into swathes of winter grass. The snow had melted in a circle around him, and he only rolled as a stray wind blew by, answering Sakumo’s question with an odd gust of warmth not suited for this time of year.

A simple warming jutsu, just enough to keep the sunspot Kakashi was lounging in comfortable, free from the confines of his clothing and bare as nature intended animals to be. Goosebumps prickled along his skin, and Sakumo watched a shiver run through him as he rubbed his pale legs together.

His estrus was beckoning, sparks and wild mixing with the inherent smell of his skin. He was a sight for sore eyes, and Sakumo ached indeed.

The snow was not cold enough to bother as Sakumo stepped into it, a Hatake’s fortitude allowing him to make his way over to his pup to join him in the spot he had claimed.

Kakashi knew he was there, but Sakumo was delighted to watch the exact moment his scent hit his pup’s nose.

Kakashi gave a full body shiver, and his legs shifted from lazily rubbing to locking, his heat scent rising to indicate his willingness to Sakumo’s clear rut. Sakumo shed his own clothes as he went, easing into the soft warmth Kakashi had made for himself. The grass was dry when his feet finally touched it, clearly, Kakashi had been out here for a while.

Konoha did not keep cold long, and it was nothing compared to the frigid of the north that Sakumo had grown with, his pup weathered it well, but not as well as Sakumo could. Fortunately, Sakumo knew plenty of ways to warm him.

Kakashi shifted again, and Sakumo smiled as his pup stretched, watching the way his breasts shifted with his motion, eyes roaming down over his belly, tracing the trail of fur toward his sex. That hunger rolled through Sakumo again, and he rumbled a greeting as he eased into the grass, lips parted to keep breathing Kakashi’s heat over his tongue.

Kakashi’s eye finally opened, letting out his own purred greeting as he relaxed, still outstretched, and twisted.

“Pup,” Sakumo hummed, and Kakashi chirped, his scent wavering.

“Papa,” He replied, and Sakumo bent over him to press a kiss to his forehead, running a hand through his messy hair.

Kakashi sighed and leaned into the touch, shifting his hips again as another shiver ran through him, eye beginning to drift shut again as he relaxed. “How was your mission?”

Sakumo continued his petting, lingering to press another kiss to Kakashi’s head before pulling away. “Longer than I had wanted,” he admitted, but the agitation that had filled him the past week was gone, and slowly his hand began to slide down to Kakashi’s face, rubbing a thumb over his cheek before continuing to trail lower. “Your sensei is more forgetful than I had remembered him being.”

It was the only complaint Sakumo would share outwardly, and Kakashi knew the severity of it for his papa to have addressed it, barking out a laugh as Sakumo dragged his hand over his breast, pausing only to rub his thumb over Kakashi’s perking nipple—getting a whine in response—before continuing his exploration.

Down his hand traveled, over the muscles in his pup’s stomach, straying to scratch a nail against his hip, before sliding between his thighs to ease his legs apart. Kakashi only sighed a pleased little noise, before allowing his legs to be spread, moving wide enough to leave space for the man pushing his way between them.

There, furs damp with his arousal, was the source of Sakumo’s frustrations.

Unwilling to deny himself any longer, Sakumo slid his fingers through the wet of his hair to finally press against the heat of Kakashi’s core. He heard Kakashi’s inhale, felt as his legs made to close on either side of Sakumo, but Kakashi did not twist away, and Sakumo pressed deeper.

Scorching hot around his fingers, Kakashi’s sex parted for him, slick and loose and hungry, and Kakashi’s breath hitched as Sakumo quickly pressed a third digit inside. He did not need time to adjust, a dam’s sex was made to stretch for far bigger—assuming they were aroused and tended, and Sakumo had every intention of tending to his pup.

Kakashi exhaled as Sakumo pulled his fingers out, his gaze hazy when Sakumo met it, drawing his now slick fingers away from Kakashi’s hole to Sakumo’s mouth. He watched as his action became clear, as Kakashi drew his lip in to bite, watching with a slowly building whine as Sakumo sucked his slick-covered fingers into his mouth.

It would have taken more strength than he had to resist moaning at the taste, sliding his tongue between his fingers to lick it all off. He didn’t have the patience to savor the flavor, not when Kakashi was beginning to rock back, whining and pressing his shoulders into the grass to raise his hips. He bucked, and just like that his puss* slid against Sakumo’s co*ck, and he remembered that he was hard.

Kakashi growled, the fantasy of a docile and beckoning bitch fading away to reveal the truth of a heating dam. His hands snapped up to clasp around Sakumo’s arm, yanking his fingers from his mouth to pull his father’s hand to his own lips, not hesitating to suck his spit-wet fingers into his mouth.

Kakashi used to be so sweet when he was younger. He was submissive, not quite docile, but he behaved well enough for his father. There had been signs, of course, Sakumo knew even then what Kakashi would one day grow into, and finally, he had. His son had started to mature, settling into his own as a bitch and making decisions about their life. Sakumo was content to let him do as he pleased, after all, who was he to argue against a bitch’s needs?

Kakashi was drooling around Sakumo’s fingers, glaring even as he suckled, still rocking insistently back against where Sakumo’s tip smeared against his lips.

Who was he to argue?

He still intended to devour him, but that would come later, when Kakasi’s puss* was loose and dribbling a thick river of cum from his seeded c*nt. Then, Sakumo would lap over the soft of his folds, teasing strokes of his tongue around an erect cl*t. The thought had him bucking again, and Kakashi hissed as the tip nudged again his hole, applying enough pressure to start to push.

Sakumo pulled his fingers from Kakashi’s mouth, and Kakashi’s tongue remained out, panting like a dog as he continued to rock back against the co*ck so close to his c*nt.

It was not a sire’s place to question a dam’s insistence, and with his spit-slick hand, Sakumo reached down to grasp his co*ck, thumbing over the pre dribbling from the tip to finally guide it forward. Kakashi’s breath hitched as Sakumo stroked the shaft between his lips, spreading his legs wider. His feet were still planted on the ground to raise his hips, and it eased Sakumo’s slide as he pushed against Kakashi’s fluttering hole.

He breached easily, and Kakashi’s back arched into a higher curve as Sakumo groaned, sliding in until his hips made contact with Kakashi’s own. Kakashi’s puss* shivered around him, and his pup gave a whimpery howl as Sakumo began to rock. It was a perfect sound, and Sakumo groaned in response, looking down with lidded eyes as Kakashi slumped into the grass.

It was easy to manipulate Kakashi now that a co*ck was inside him and his little wolf made a sound closer to a purr as Sakumo continue to rock, grabbing instead for Kakashi’s legs to raise them up, hooking his ankles over Sakumo’s shoulders as his papa made to bear down on him.

All the fervor, all the need, it seemed to escape Sakumo at that moment, readily sinking home as Kakashi’s lovely c*nt squeezed and milked around his co*ck. It was perfect, and he pressed down onto his pup as far as he could, nearly bending the dam in half so he could nuzzle into the curve of his throat, sniffing at the sweat and scent that had gathered there.

His estrus was lovely, it carried the same tantalizing flavor of fire that his mother’s had, but undeniable as well was the lightning in it: coarse and cold and exactly as a Hatake should be.

He was fertile and young, but wet and willing and clinging, mouthing his pants and whines into Sakumo’s ear. His nails scratch and prick, and Sakumo can feel where his skin breaks in some parts. Blood is acid in the air, and even knowing that it was his own he shivers, growling his hunger against Kakashi’s skin.

Two can play at that game, and his lips draw back, growling as his teeth sink into Kakashi’s pale flesh. His pup flinches, but his puss* clenches and clings and he jerks as he rocks back, meeting Sakumo’s grinds and thrusts as they f*ck closer and closer to each other.

Kakashi’s blood is as sweet as his scent, and Kakashi twitches and kicks, thrashing the best he can in the position Sakumo has him folded into. It is a dominating position, and for all a bitch demands respect and authority, Kakashi falls apart when his puss* is being mated into the ground, his womb hungry for the seed he knows his papa can give him.

He is on a protective seal, even if he were not, Sakumo is close enough that he fears he may risk it all, if only he can remain inside of him.

He bucks his hips, gnashes his teeth with a snarl, and Kakashi gives another pleased moan-turned-howl, loud and wild and he will get louder still as their season progresses, as the veneer of humanity falls away to reveal the wolf that Sakumo knows lives under their skins.

His knot is beginning to tug, and Sakumo is quick to switch to grinding, keeping his hips firmly pressed against Kakashi as he continues to buck, forcing himself deeper without ever pulling out. It is a hard position to maintain, but he is a sire, and this is a dam.

Kakashi’s arms pull him tight, and he is still panting in Sakumo’s ear, whining and whimpering his pleads as he squirms to meet Sakumo’s movements as best he can.

“Papa,” Kakashi whines, “Papa.”

It’s hopeless, and Sakumo gives in without struggle. He barks, snapping his hips against Kakashi fruitlessly a few more times before the dribble of pre becomes a stream, and his knot catches, swelling as Kakashi’s c*nt spasms, his knot pressing against the nerves that drive a dam wild.

They are swollen and puffy in estrus, even more sensitive than usual, and Kakashi squeals as he c*ms, and Sakumo groans as the heat of Kakashi’s squirt floods between them. His son yips and whimpers and Sakumo does not stop grinding his hips, cumming hard and deep and rocking his knot where Kakashi is most sensitive.

Kakashi’s noises reach a crescendo, and his back arches, a hand leaving Sakumo’s back to claw at the grass, ripping up chunks as a proper howl rips from him, loud and echoing around the woodline their house is built into.

Sakumo can’t help it, the instinct bubbles in his throat, and a howl bursts out of his chest to join Kakashi, echoing his son’s announcement of pleasure to the pack of wolves haunting the woods around them. They are likely in their own throes of mating, the alphas intent on littering another set of pups for the pack.

The idea of a litter at Kakashi’s breast is captivating, and his still-hard co*ck throbs as it continues to cum. Kakashi’s puss* is perfect, wet and tight and still clenching in randomly timed bursts. It is Sakumo’s fault for teasing, he will never stop.

Kakashi is sealed for exactly that reason.

His ovaries are in stasis, they will not release an egg, his puss* is just wet and horny.

Sakumo knows this, the thought remains still.

Kakashi’s neck has stopped bleeding, the pinpricks of bites having congealed, this does not stop Sakumo from lapping over the marks to disturb them, growling contently as he finally settled to rest his weight on top of Kakashi.

His dam makes a pleased noise, lazily wrapping his arm back around Sakumo to nuzzle closer. A glance reveals him to be glossy-eyed and panting, and Sakumo knows he will be that way for a while. The knot keeps Sakumo relaxed, and Kakashi cummming, properly tended to as a dam should be.

This is Sakumo’s territory, he has no reason to be on guard here. It is all too easy to fall, all too easy to nose against Kakashi’s skin and let his eyes close, content to allow his fast-beating heart to slow, letting out a rumbling noise of his own as Kakashi’s fingers trail lazy patterns on his back.

The warming jutsu begins to fade, but Sakumo feels no need to renew it. Though cold nips in on the breeze, he is Hatake; the sun is warm on his back and his son is hot under him and around him where he clings.

Slowly, the sun drags across the sky, and Sakumo dozes under it, only stirring when Kakashi takes a shaking breath. The knot had begun to shrink, and Kakashi’s sense had begun to return without the pressure against mind-breaking nerves.

Sakumo hummed, finally allowing Kakashi’s legs down off his shoulder to sit up. His knot is still swollen enough for him to stay close, but he does sit up straighter, arching his own back to stretch out his spine and arms while Kakashi does the same below him with his legs.

Slowly they settle back against each other, and alert now Sakumo’s knot shrinks the rest of the way, allowing him to slip out of Kakashi’s beloved hole.

Kakashi shivers as Sakumo’s co*ck slides out, and just as Sakumo had imagined a dribble of cum is quick to follow. It is the thick kind, the breeding kind, and Sakumo cannot help but salivate at the sight, at the scent of his load mixed with the slick of Kakashi’s puss*.

He cannot help thumbing at the dip of Kakashi’s hips either, meeting his pup's gaze as Sakumo moved to shift back, leaning forward to lay more fully on the grass.

It is a question of permission as Sakumo leaned in between Kakashi’s spread legs to kiss at his thighs, teasing up to the dip of his pelvis. Kakashi’s legs spread wider, and Sakumo does not hesitate to go face-first into the mess he’s made, groaning in pleasure as he noses into Kakashi’s slick curls.

His smell is strongest here, and Sakumo cannot help but cover it, nosing into the coarse hairs of his sex before dipping lower. Just as he had promised himself to, his tongue lags out to lap from the hole of Kakashi’s puss* up over the still-sensitive throb of his cl*t.

Kakashi’s head falls back with a pleased sigh, just on the edge of a moan, and Sakumo follows through.

The taste of them combined is intoxicating, and with a steadier mind, he knows that pups are not the intention, does not hesitate to dig his tongue in deep to lick and suck both slick and seed out in equal measure.

Kakashi’s legs bunch up, and his thighs come to shut around Sakumo’s ears, but Sakumo does not stop even as Kakashi begins to sing his wolf song again. It is lovely and long and sweet with his pleasure and Sakumo licks and licks, wrapping his lips around Kakashi’s cl*t to flick his tongue against him while his fingers pressed inside his messy hole. Kakashi’s nerves are still puffy, and Kakashi yelps when Sakumo touches them.

It does not take much for Kakashi to cum again, and Sakumo knows a weaker man would fall to his son’s thighs with how he clenches. He is a favored sire, and this place between them is his to reside. He is happy to rut his co*ck against the grass as Kakashi’s org*sm twists him, gentle as he works his pup high and then gently eases him down.

He pulls away carefully, only after pressing another gentle kiss to Kakashi’s thighs.

Now his dam is tended to, debauched, and Kakashi looks at him from underneath sweaty bangs, his chest rising and falling harshly as he tries to gather his breath.

The cold is more noticeable now, and it is not enough to bother Sakumo, but Kakashi is young and tired—perhaps it is time to head in.

“Papa,” Kakashi sighed, easy and pleased, and Sakumo grinned a wolfish smile as he moved up to cover Kakashi’s body again, stealing a hungry kiss that Kakashi arched into before finally pulling away.

He does offer a hand to Kakashi as he rises, one his son accepts, allowing his father to pull him to his feet. Kakashi shivers as the breeze hits him, and he huffs unhappily, nosing closer to Sakumo.

A bath would be good as well, but Kakashi whines before Sakumo can step away, standing on shaky legs and batting his eyelashes.

Sakumo had raised a spoiled bitch, he knew this when he was doing it, it is not enough to stop him from gathering Kakashi into his arms, carrying him back into their home like one would a bride.

Kakashi is spoiled when Sakumo draws the bath for him, spoiled when his papa bathes him. He is spoiled when he is fed by hand, and spoiled when he is taken to bed to breed again, and again.

He is spoiled, but he is Sakumo’s, and Sakumo had raised a lovely bitch.

winter heat - triggerfics - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.